OilSafe as partner company for the Efflics project


OilSafe as partner company for the Efflics - Eco Friendly FluidICS for Fluid Power project, at the Ferrara Technopolo. The Efflics project aims to reduce and eliminate the use of mineral oils and non-environmental synthetic fluids, in favour of "green" (degradable and non-toxic) fluids for industrial, agricultural, construction and civil activities that require the use of specific medium-large power machinery. The project, funded by the POR FESR, involves the MechLav Laboratory and CNR Imamoter of the Ferrara Technopolo, as well as the Intermech Laboratories of the Reggio-Emilia Technopolo and the CNR Istec.

Our staff will participate by contributing to the selection phase of the most indicated eco-friendly fluids, alongside the analysis of the main types of biocompatible fluids currently available or in development (synthetic polymers, water-glycol mixtures, demineralized water, natural oils...). OilSafe is for continuous and constant research and innovation. Our goal is to offer our customers unique and reliable machinery and services.