Test benches
The OilSafe test benches cover a wide range of applications and sectors. Historically, for reasons of geographical and professional background, oil hydraulics has always been the centre of our attention.
However, we also work successfully in the railway and automotive sectors.
The core of our business activity consists of the various internal departments that design the solutions of a mechanical, oil dynamic and software nature.
In almost the majority of cases, we design and manufacture our products in order to meet the customers’ specifications, posing as its primary objective the compliance with the technical specifications received. The systems of a more standard nature are linked to products subject to compliance with legislation, such as hydraulic pipes, even if often, also in this case, customisations and supplementary features are requested.
Our systems are always fitted with open software configurations in order to be allow subsequent variations, as a result of implementations that were not foreseen initially.
Flexibility and the ability to meet our customers’ needs are the cornerstones on which our market strategy is based.
Technical/design specifications of our test benches
The technical specifications of our test benches include:
Systematic use of servo proportional technologies with the aim of optimising energy costs and reducing noise emissions
Real time data acquisition
Use of the National Instrument CompactRio and CompactDaq data management platforms in real time mode
Absolute reliability of the data acquired also with sampling frequencies exceeding 1kHz
Complete integration with your servers and the possibility to interface them with pre-existing test benches
Availability of csv or SQL server output formats
Creation of compatible interfaces to be used with pre-existing test recipes
Moreover, OilSafe manufactures test benches both for Research & Development and for production departments. We work both on new investments and on re-vamping projects regarding amendments made to legislation as well as performance recovery or upgrade activities.
The test benches created for the R&D department are usually extremely flexible in order to ensure the performance of tests, both for types of products and for performance characteristics to be achieved and can also be very different from test benches designed for use in the production department. Therefore, greater performance levels are required both with regard to the engineering aspects as well as during the data acquisition phase and, at the same time, with a great degree of flexibility in terms of the definition of test recipes.
Althoughthe Test benches for the production department are intended to test similar products to those tested on R&D benches, they are usually much more rigid and focus on the following objectives:
Testing a limited number of products
Carrying out defined cycles
Reducing errors as well as the discretion regarding the acceptance of the product undergoing tests for production purposes as much as possible
Reducing the overall cycle time of the work piece being tested and consequently reducing the impact of the cost of the test on the total cost of the product
Whether or not all these objectives need to be reached depends on how complex the production test benches need to be.
Depending on the flexibility required, as well as the type of tests and components to be tested, the test benches are divided into two macro-categories:
Manual test benches (more flexible)
Automatic test benches (more rigid yet more rapid)
Furthermore, these two macro-categories determine the complexity of the software and acquisition system as well as the engineering aspects depending on the parameters that need to be tested.